Dutch Twilled Weave
As with the plain weave, the weft wires in this twilled weave are woven very tightly together. Due to the twilled weave, twice as many weft wires can be woven together.
The narrowest ball passage (theoretical pore size) is formed by three weft threads crossing in different directions in order to form a channel that is open on two sides together with the warp threads. The special pattern of this twilled weave results in high filtration accuracy with a smaller effective filter cross-section. The consequences are a reduced contaminant retention capacity, faster clogging of the filter surface and a reduced flow rate.
Duplex weave (with two warp wires connected to each other) and triplex weave (with three warp wires connected to each other) are further developments of the twilled dutch weave that increase the flexibility of the fabric.

Technical data
Brochure and Data Sheet: BASICS 1
Metal Wire Cloths for Sieves and Filters
Brochure and Data Sheet: BASICS 2
Filter Cloths