Bronze status in the EcoVadis rating

PACO awarded bronze by EcoVadis

The renowned independent assessment company EcoVadis has awarded PACO the Bronze Medal for its sustainable practices and achievements. This award underscores our company's commitment to having a positive impact on the environment, assuming social responsibility and promoting ethical business practices. To achieve these goals, PACO has continually invested in sustainable practices in recent years to minimize its environmental impact. This includes measures to reduce energy consumption, use resources efficiently and promote environmentally friendly production processes, for example through the introduction of ISO 14001, switching lighting to LED and motion detectors, offering e-bikes to all employees, and the changeover to green electricity and the selective conversion of the carpool to electric technology.  PACO is particularly proud of its participation in the “Climate Pact for Schluechtern” and the associated planting of local “forests of the future”.

The awarding of the EcoVadis Bronze Medal is confirmation for PACO that it is on the right track to promote environmentally friendly and socially responsible business practices. The company remains committed to sustainable action and will increase its efforts to achieve even higher standards in the future.

About EcoVadis

EcoVadis is a globally recognized platform for assessing corporate sustainability. The organization evaluates companies in the areas of environment, ethics, labor practices and supply chain. The awards are given based on a comprehensive analysis of a company's sustainability performance. The evaluation criteria include, among others: including environmental impact, social responsibility, ethical business practices and supply chain transparency.