
Paul GmbH & Co. KG 
Metallgewebe und Filterfabriken
Industriegebiet West - Auf der Hohle
D-36396 Steinau an der Straße 

Postfach 12 20 
D-36393 Steinau an der Straße 

Phone: +49 (0) 66 63 – 97 8 - 0 
Fax: +49 (0) 66 63 – 91 91 16 


Commercial register number: Amtsgericht Hanau, Reg.-Abt. Schlüchtern * HR-Nr. HRA 91094
represented by Ruppel GmbH
Commercial register number: Amtsgericht Hanau, HRB 90225

CEO: Garvin Ruppel

VAT ID no.: DE112493010

We wish to inform you that the transfer of data through the world wide web largely occurs without control. It cannot, therefore, be ruled out that transferred data can become available to unauthorised persons.

When our home page is accessed, data will be temporarily saved on our server for data security reasons that can permit identification (e.g. IP-address, date, time and pages viewed). There will be no evaluation of this data – except for statistical purposes.

All information published on our web pages has been prepared to the best of our knowledge. We do not accept any liability for the timeliness, correctness and completeness of the information.

Our web pages are protected by copyright. The information contained therein and their presentation shall not in full or part be published on other pages within the World Wide Web or be published, reproduced or circulated electronically or by any other means without our prior express written permission. The modification or use of these web pages for public or commercial purposes is prohibited unless our prior written permission has been obtained. We wish to inform you that the transfer of data through the World Wide Web largely occurs without control. It cannot, therefore, be ruled out that transferred data can become available to unauthorised persons.

Conception & implementation

Gandayo UG (limited liability)
Meister aller Medien

Brüder-Grimm-Str. 9
36396 Steinau an der Straße